Type Of Business


Its commercial interest is the development of a planned, integrated and sustainable Malaysian beef industry through the development of the fully integrated livestock farming and beef production facility that manages the importation of livestock, feedlotting, slaughtering, processing, packing and marketing of beef in Malaysia.

Ross Breed

  • Rapid weight gain
  • Not aggressive
  • Not active, can minimize space
  • High durability

Cobb Breed

  • Rapid weight gain
  • High durability

Closed Chicken Houses System

Overall the houses are closed except for ventilation of the houses. This is to ensure the ventilation for the houses is under control

  • To provide comfortable environment and to control ventilation inside the houses.
  • With comfortable environment, chicken growth can be in optimum stage.
  • Broilers are less stressed by external factors.
  • Wild birds and rats can be controlled from entering the houses.
  • Dry chicken feces, this is to avoid bad odor and flies
  • Production cost will be more efficient.