Type Of Business

Beef Cattle

Its commercial interest is the development of a planned, integrated and sustainable Malaysian beef industry through the development of the fully integrated livestock farming and beef production facility that manages the importation of livestock, feedlotting, slaughtering, processing, packing and marketing of beef in Malaysia.

Cow Breed

Kedah-Kelantan (KK)

  • Suitable for breeding
  • High resistant from disease infections
  • New born calf weighs from 14 to 16 kilograms
  • High weight gain (0.4 kg per day) until 2 y.o
  • Mature weight is between 200 to 250 kilogram
  • Amount of meat is about 45% of the weight of the cow


  • Suitable for tropical weather
  • Mature Brahman cows produces quality meat with a relatively large amounts of around 400 to 450 kilograms of meat per cow.
  • New born calf weighs 22 to 27 kilograms
  • Rapid growing

Local Indian Dairy (LID)

  • Resistant to fleas and disease infections
  • Mature weight of 280 kilograms
  • New born calf weighs 18 to 20 kilograms.
  • Large amount of meat

Closed Barn System and Total Automation for Cattle Farming

Same like poultry, the main reason for closed barn system is to get comfortable environment inside the barn for optimum growth of the cattle. Furthermore, we can control outside factor that will be source of infection or disease for the cattle.

For the cattle farmer, it is tremendously important to create the right conditions for the cows. This ensures that they stay healthy and grow and perform optimally. Automating and monitoring the climate and lighting makes it possible to achieve adaptive control for a better living environment.

The control system can also be operated from anywhere, with a remote app on a smartphone or tablet. This system also reduces energy costs, because the lighting can be dimmed.

The ventilation system and manure scrapers are completely controlled by the system. Pushing the manure under the grates drastically reduces the NH3 level in the barn. This comprehensive solution maintains an optimum climate and ensures the good health of the calves.